Consultations are strategic in essence, constructive, and of immediate impact
Consultations do not substitute for therapy. Plan for one session, not a series, with a possible yearly Follow up session.
Sessions do not describe the future (as we are creating it) but provide the tools to build it. They highlight choices, decisions and actions that feed personal energy while flagging invisible loyalties and recurring self-limiting habits.
1. The identification of personal talents, inner strengths and challenges
2. The definition of a road map for action
3. The clarification of timing - and setting - that best match goals and purpose.
Anyone in transition, in a decision process, in the middle of turbulence, experiencing unexpected road blocks or engaged in personal development (therapy, coaching, skill assessment, ancestry clarification, etc.).
Awareness of Eastern disciplines (Qigong, Taichi, Yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, martial arts, etc.) and/or the pratice of healthy activities (mindfullness, meditation, exercice, food choice, etc.) are definitely a plus to fully benefit from the session's insights.
Payment & Fees
Unlike therapy and more traditional coaching, most situations require only one (1) to three (3) sessions, with occasional Follow up sessions, down the road, sometimes years later. Fees are $360 (Regular Session) or $540 (Urgent Session, within 5 days). Fees for Individual sessions include preparation time. Space audits require a minimum budget of 4 hours (Prep. time, 1h30 Session & Follow up). Payment done at the time of request guaranties an expeditious appointment time.
Click here for Online payment. Select Regular session, Urgent call or Space Audit.
Consultations last 1 hour or 90 minutes (You make the selection with your payment). Follow-up questions by email are answered on a reasonable basis. For Fertility/Timing Session, you may decide on a Follow up call within 6 months to a year.
Sessions are mainly done remotely by phone, Skype, WhatsApp, Google Meet, Facetime, etc. If calling from outside of the USA, keep in mind the time difference. Calls start at 8 am US EST (afternoon in Europe, evening in Asia). Consultations are conducted in English or French.
Waiting period
As many sessions are scheduled from one call to the next, a year in advance, waiting time for 1st appointments routinely exceeds 18 months, unless a cancellation happens or payment is made at time of request.
For EXISTING clients, waiting time is 4 to 6 weeks. Request is done via email. Payment is due no later than 48h before the call.
For NEW clients, waiting time is within 3 months when payment is done at time of request. Request is done via the Contact Form of the website.
Online scheduling is suspended when Schedule is too full. You can still use the Contact Form to provide all necessary information. Note that you will only be contacted back when a time opens up. If you are an existing client, send me an email to set up your next session.
How to prepare for a consultation?
Give yourself time before and after the session. Make sure you will not be interrupted. Write down your questions in advance. Have what is necessary to take notes. You can record the session but make sure to test the equipment in advance.
Full birth date, with hour and place of birth, is required ahead of the consultation. Provide your contact information as well.
Checking the Podcast or YouTube links can be a plus before a call.
Follow up
Follow up questions, after the session, are answered via email at no additional charge as long as they are related to the session itself. For a new topic, it is best to schedule a Follow up session. For example, if the session addressed timing for infertility treatment, later questions about professional strategy would call for a new session.
Space Audit
Space audit requires a minimal time budget of 4 hours. No space audit is performed without a prior Personal time reading assesment as some difficulties are related to Timing more than Space issues. Please provide all necessary information using the Contact Form ahead of the initial request. More info can be sent by email at a later time as long as all is received at least two weeks before the schedule session.