Du repli à l'avancée (3/3)
What if stepping back is a sign of strength, not of weakness?
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger nous enseigne o combien la préservation de notre vitalité détermine l’ampleur de nos ambitions personnelles. HAPPINEZ
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger is a French-born American specialist of Chinese Timing strategy and a prolific author. Her pioneer work bridges the rational Western mindset, with the non linear, yet effective, Eastern thinking. Her consultations are pragmatic and impactful with a key focus on the preservation of Vitality. Output is effective alignment, maximisation of talents and the right decision at the right time. Her annual Chinese New Year lectures have been celebrated and sold-out events since 2001. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Her clientele is international.
What if stepping back is a sign of strength, not of weakness?
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger nous enseigne o combien la préservation de notre vitalité détermine l’ampleur de nos ambitions personnelles. HAPPINEZ
What if the ability to stay put is key to moving forward?
Lire Marie-Pierre Dillenseger revient à écouter une amie qui nous veut du bien. M-H Fasquelle. Fahrenheit 452
Ce petit livre précieux rappelle qu’utiliser un temps mort est un moyen malin pour se sentir vivant. V.Chocas. Madame Figaro
La vie est une exploration dynamique de qui nous sommes. Elle n’est pas écrite d’avance. Nous disposons d’une multitude d’outils et de forces pour la décoder.
Un livre percutant, qui fait beaucoup de bien. Audrey Dana
Ce texte va à l’essentiel. Asiexpo
Limpide, généreux, inspirant. Meditation-et-action.com
Une passion contagieuse et des pistes concrètes pour cultiver l’estime de soi, dépasser les embûches du quotidien et se simplifier la vie. Médecines extraordinaires. Nov. 2022
Published in 2016. Multiple reprints. New edition 2022.
English version available for publication.
The cards always points to forces we have and are emerging. They allow us to see what is still invisible. Figaro Madame; Lefigaro.fr
“Marie-Pierre Dillenseger nous ouvre des pistes de réflexion inhabituelles et nous invite à utiliser les disciplines traditionnelles chinoises comme une boussole. ” – MADAME FIGARO
Coherence - Alignment - Clarity
Bazi - Yi Jing - Synchronicity - Timing
Classical Feng Shui - Art of War - Daoism
Hidden Loyalties - Healing Arts
Anyone attuned to body-mind & nature-soul connections Practitioners of Integrative Medicine
Coaches - Therapists - Strategists
Social & Business Leaders with a conscience
Years of practice
Per day
Paris - Boston
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger identified Time and Space as powerful, cost-effective, yet neglected, key factors to performance early on while deepening her understanding of Jungian synchronicity, ancestor syndrome (A. A. Schutzenberger) and childhood trauma (Alice Miller). A medical diagnosis of “only three months to live” in 1995 led her to full-time study, evaluation and practice of all aspects of Chinese personal and business assessments techniques. She created PowerSPACES in Paris in 1999. She established her practice in the USA in 2008.
Her expertise combines strong analytical and analogical skills, the understanding of business strategy and an unyielding dedication to individual growth, personal empowerment and life energy. Her books and articles provide accessible, effective and highly applicable pathways to Vitality. Her annual Chinese New Year Lecture have been drawing crowds since 2001.
She initiated the French arm of the FSRC (Feng Shui Research Center) in 1999, training many practitioners in classical Chinese Feng Shui and Bazi (1999-2012). While no longer associated with this network, she remains available for closed door advanced seminars.
She is the Chair of the Half Crown/Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District Commission in Cambridge, MA (commissioner since October 2013), a Correspondant to Leroy Merlin work group on Habitat, Environment and Health (since 2008). She co-authored “Les Nouvelles Alexandries” in 1994, a book on National Libraries worldwide.
Prior to founding her private practice in Paris in 1999, she had 19 years experience in sales and large scale project management in IT and multimedia training. She worked for the public and private sectors, in France and in the U.S.A. (Beaubourg Public Library, City of Paris Library Network, Computer Library Systems, Linguistic Systems, MicroMentor).
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger holds a Master Degree in Library Science (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Bibliothèques, 1984), a Graduate Degree (DEA) in French Literature on the work of Julien Gracq whom she met and had a correspondence with (Lyon II, 1984) and a Library Science Certificate from Simmons College (Boston, 1993). She received the title of Master by Chinese Master Joseph Yu in 2002.
National Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aix en Provence
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