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New Book "Bien chez soi", Robert Laffont, 2024
"Our homes choose us as much as we choose them"
"Vitality is our most precious asset"
"Houses have their personality to be reckon with"
"Coherence, Alignment and Presence will take us a long way"
following the publication of Le Feu Intérieur (Robert Laffont)
"Oser s'Accomplir", Mama Edition/Hachette, 2019
Dunod/Hachette , Oct 2016 (1st edition), 2nd edition in 2022. Available in Paperback.
INREES TV, March 30 2016, Purifier sa maison: Sur les Chemins de la santé No 2 (Interview by N. Calestreme)
TV – MCS Bien-être, Oct 19, 21 & 23, 2015, Bien dans sa tête: Je n’arrive pas à tomber enceinte (Can get pregnant) (Interview by F. Courtadon & S. Hefez) The interview focuses on conditions favorable to fertility with questions to both M-P Dillenseger and Doctor D. Delafontaine, the surgeon she has been working on timing and fertility since 2009.
Inrees (Paris), October 2013 Agir au bon moment, au bon endroit (Right time, right place) (Interview A. Allix) Watch
M6 TV (France), August 21 & Sept. 14, 2013, May 2014 – RTBF2 & RTBF1 TV (Belgium), July 27, 2013. Enquêtes Extraordinaires (Season 2): The energies going through our houses. 60 minutes investigative reporting by S.Allix & N. Calestreme, showcasing Marie-Pierre Dillenseger’s work in New-York City (live space audit) and Paris (timing/fertility aspect) with client interviews and feedback. Buy DVD
France24.com, June 2013, Web-documentary by Marie Laget with interview on Time & Space in China. Plongée au coeur de la Chine (In the heart of China). Video available below.
FR3 TV, Feb, 12, 2002, A Feng Shui Visit (Interview L. Delalex)
M6 / Fun TV, April 1999 Feng Shui? (Interview N. Beuglet)