february, 2020
Event Details
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger returns to Paris for 18th Annual Chinese New Year Lecture and the decryption of 2020, the Year of the Metal Rat. The goal is the anticipation of challenges
Event Details
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger returns to Paris for 18th Annual Chinese New Year Lecture and the decryption of 2020, the Year of the Metal Rat. The goal is the anticipation of challenges ahead with the provision of a road map and key insights for the twelve coming month. The understanding of Timing influence is an art servicing clarity, strategy and the timely allocation of resources. This unique view into classical Chinese thinking, provided year after year in a pragmatic and tangible way, restores the individual ability to plan, prepare and overcome obstacles and paves the way for better decision making.
NEW: Tickets are exclusively sold online on this website. Please print your receipt and bring it with you, along with a personal Id, on the day of the lecture.
2pm Opening of the doors & ticket validation – 2:30 -4:30 Lecture (1h) followed by Q & A (1h) – 4:30 – 5:30 Book signing – 6pm Closing of the doors.
The books OSER S’Accomplir: 12 clés pour être soi et La Voie du feng Shui: chevaucher le temps, Apprivoiser l’espace, prendre sa place will be available.
The lecture is in French and held in Sciences Po lecture Hall. To schedule an English version of the lecture, contact directly mpdillenseger@gmail.com.
(Saturday) 14:00 - 17:30 CET
Marie-Pierre DillensegerAuteur, Conférenciere, Coachmpdillenseger@gmail.com
Amphi Boutmy de Sciences-Po27 Rue Saint Guillaume, 75007